Gorilla Organization


The Gorilla Organization, the international charity led by experienced African conservationists dedicated to saving the world’s last remaining gorillas from extinction. Our award-winning community-based approach to conservation promotes sustainable livelihoods, nurtures young conservationists of the future and empowers local people to tackle the main threats to the gorillas’ survival.

UK Reg Charity 1117131

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Day 178 - Forget the gorilla suit get me a pirate suit

Firstly, the gorilla movie 'mISSING pIECES' is finally finished - and uploaded onto the web. Many months of fiddling with settings and fighting Shockwave flash to generate a custom transition, we finally finished it off. We have submitted it for 'Red Carpet Screenings International Short Film Festival' on April 16 ... so fingers crossed.

Back to the running, today was the 'Breakfast Run' a 16 mile event in Kingston.  This comprised of two laps of running to Hampton Court Palace and back. It also was my last 'Long Run' before the marathon - and was to be run in full suit. The event was a much quieter affair than the Reading Half, and only a few people came to the streets to cheer us on; I didn't realise how much the cheering last week boosted the running - I know London will be a completely level - so am really looking forward to that part.

Well, the first lap went well at about 1:20 - which was going to plan well, then at about 12 miles my left leg decided to misbehave slightly, and by mile 13 running was not an option - but this was going to stop me ... so I ended up walking the last 3 miles, but did it in the end.

I chatted to various people as they overtook the gorilla, and so their support was great.

Finally, when I made it in I had my first Sports Massage .... both ouch and relief at the same time, which seems to have fixed bits in my leg already.

Right then ... bring on the tapering ....

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