Gorilla Organization


The Gorilla Organization, the international charity led by experienced African conservationists dedicated to saving the world’s last remaining gorillas from extinction. Our award-winning community-based approach to conservation promotes sustainable livelihoods, nurtures young conservationists of the future and empowers local people to tackle the main threats to the gorillas’ survival.

UK Reg Charity 1117131

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Day 164 - Barking dogs (Part 1 of 2)

It been a busy couple of days, and so the first time in 46 posts I didn't update them on the day.. so here's the reasons (or excuses).


I decided to go for a very long run ... Basingstoke to Andover, which worked out at just over 31km (18.5 miles). The reason was, as i'm running the Reading Half Marathon next week-end, and the Breakfast Run the week-end after, I seemed to be running out of March to do a really long run. I even took the day off work to do it - that's how important it seemed to me.

As usual it was to catch up with a friend for coffee as an excuse to run there (I really need to get out more), so about 10:30 I set off armed with a camelback full of water, and a full change of clothes for when I get there (mistake no. 1).

The route I chose is the B3400 which goes between the two towns with no fuss - less chance for me to get lost if I just stay on the same road ... however I did forget how winding and hilly the road was especially where honking great trucks are involved (mistake no. 2).

A few miles in I felt a bit peckish - checked the backpack for Jelly Babies ... crisis I'd forgotten them (mistake no. 3), leaving me to put off any of the gels until really really necessary (as i'd managed to remember them - doh!). I really do prefer the sweeties to the gels as they:

  1. taste nicer
  2. don't go gooie if you only have some of them (gels make a mess)
  3. cheer you up when you see them

However, it did give me an incentive to run to the next town - thankfully they had some so all's right with the world (phew).

By now i'm too making good progress ... but the lack of pavements on the road are noticable, and even as a 'B' road it was very busy. Most of the drivers were good, but a few seemed to play chicken with me to see if I could merge into the wall so they didn't have to steer past - do I look like a T-1000?

Well over halfway I made it to Whitchurch, around here I was feeling a bit warm, and the backpack was starting to become noticeably heavier ... and when I saw the roadsign telling me how far I had to go  ... it didn't help much either ...

Only 7 miles to go ... (ONLY!!!)
Yet more hills, and oncoming traffic and by the time I reached Andover I was not running fast at all (or at all) - and made my way slowly into the town centre to meet my friend (Thanks so much for waiting Vivien :)  ).

Due to other commitments I had to be back home early that night, so after a quick change and a jacket potato    it was time to head back. This time by train, this is were I learnt my final lesson for the day ...  Never get the train back if it follows the route you just run ... as the towns you spent ages running between - just fly by as stations ... (mistake no. 4)

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