Gorilla Organization


The Gorilla Organization, the international charity led by experienced African conservationists dedicated to saving the world’s last remaining gorillas from extinction. Our award-winning community-based approach to conservation promotes sustainable livelihoods, nurtures young conservationists of the future and empowers local people to tackle the main threats to the gorillas’ survival.

UK Reg Charity 1117131

Monday, 11 April 2011

Day 193 - Follow that banana ...

The BBC have started showing adverts, as my friend @clo_v tweeted yesterday 'Just saw BBC #VLM advert. My stomach did a flip & I felt a rush of excitement. A feeling I usually calm with a vodka. Prob not a good idea.'  Yep - that's where i'm at currently.

Today was probably my last run before Sunday - and what a fun run it was today, but before I write about that ... here's a photo of the two gorillas getting ready at the Pasta Party on Saturday night ... Dave will be running in Geraldine (also wearing a pink bra) and I'll be running as Gerald (pink tutu).

Two cheeky Monkeys ....  well Gorillas actually ... and Blinky the three eyed fish too.
So, why add the photos of the two gorillas ... well as a lead up to Pete who is our nemesis (well sort of) in the form of a giant banana.

Yes, gorillas and bananas do indeed work in IT

Pete works at the same company as me, and when he found out that there was a gorilla loose in the building he heard the 'call of the wild ... well livid really' and bought himself a banana costume to join in. He was already training for the marathon and this added extra flavour to the event!.

I'll get you ... and your little dog too...
Today we 'suited up' for the first time together and went for a run around Green Park in Reading. The weather was about 17 degrees, but with a pleasant breeze ... but still hoping it's slightly cooler on Sunday as fancy dress costumes are generally not designed for running.

Pete completed the very scary 'Jurassic Marathon' two weeks ago - which is three marathons in three days ... I'm still working on ONE!. It was a great chat while we ran and working out our plans for the end of the week; it was also great watching people as we ran past them in costume, they either:

a) stared and couldn't believe what they saw, or
b) tried to not make eye contact.

Either way it made us laugh as we ran, so much so that I uploaded this video to share with you all.